以色列军队逮捕了 90 多名嫌疑人,并挫败了激进公民策划的多次袭击。 Israeli forces apprehended over 90 suspects and thwarted multiple attacks planned by radicalized citizens.
以色列安全部队在最近的行动中逮捕了 90 多名恐怖分子嫌疑人,并拆除了数十枚爆炸物。 Israeli security forces have apprehended over 90 suspected terrorists and dismantled dozens of explosives in recent operations. 他们还挫败了两名以色列公民计划以士兵或平民为目标的枪击和撞击袭击。 They also thwarted a planned shooting and ramming attack by two Israeli citizens who planned to target soldiers or civilians. 两名以色列-阿拉伯嫌疑人因密谋炸毁一辆公共汽车并实施枪击而被捕,以示对哈马斯的支持。 Two Israeli-Arab suspects were arrested for plotting to blow up a bus and carry out shooting attacks, showing support for Hamas. 这些行动是在以色列阿拉伯人口的某些部分激进化上升之后采取的,安全部队阻止了许多有计划的袭击。 These actions follow a rise in radicalization among some segments of Israel's Arab population, with security forces preventing numerous planned attacks.