飞行员Nicholas Sweetser面临强奸和诱奸罪指控;在被传讯后被无保释。 Airman Nicholas Sweetser faces rape and voyeurism charges; held without bail after arraignment.
30岁的飞行员Nicholas Sweetser, 来自马萨诸塞州伊斯特汉, 面临两起强奸罪和两起拍摄一名裸体男子的照片的指控。 Airman First Class Nicholas Sweetser, 30, from Eastham, Massachusetts, is facing charges of two counts of rape and two counts of photographing an unsuspecting nude person. 马萨诸塞州警察局在收到空军报告后正在进行调查,其中详述Swetser被控在该州的犯罪行为。 The Massachusetts State Police are investigating after receiving an Air Force report detailing Sweetser's alleged criminal conduct in the state. 在2025年2月18日的听证会上,他被传唤并关押,没有保释。 He was arraigned and held without bail, with a hearing set for February 18, 2025. 当局敦促任何有情报的人与警方联系。 Authorities urge anyone with information to contact the police.