爱国者阵线 (Patriot Front) 就北达科他州涉嫌恐吓移民和破坏公物的诉讼达成和解。 Patriot Front settles lawsuit over alleged intimidation of immigrants and vandalism in North Dakota.
北达科他州针对白人民族主义团体爱国者阵线的法律诉讼已达成解决办法。 爱国者阵线被控恐吓移民商业业主和破坏财产,包括在Fargo的室内市场喷洒油漆符号。 A settlement has been reached in a North Dakota lawsuit against the white nationalist group Patriot Front, which was accused of intimidating immigrant business owners and vandalizing property, including spray-painting symbols at an indoor marketplace in Fargo. 当地非营利组织提起的诉讼,据称违反了1871年《三K党法》。 The lawsuit, filed by local nonprofits, alleged violations of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. 虽然未披露结算细节,但结果可能会由于问责制的加强而影响该集团的征聘。 Though settlement details are undisclosed, the outcome could impact the group's recruitment due to increased accountability.