新罕布什尔最高法院在涉及白人民族主义团体旗帜的言论自由案件中裁定国家反对。 New Hampshire Supreme Court rules against state in free speech case involving white nationalist group's banners.
新罕布什尔最高法院维持下级法院驳回针对一个白人民族主义团体(NSC-131)的民权申诉, The New Hampshire Supreme Court upheld a lower court's dismissal of civil rights complaints against a white nationalist group, NSC-131, for displaying "Keep New England White" banners without a permit in 2022. 法院裁定,州《民权法》的解释过于宽泛,可能阻碍言论自由。 The court ruled that the state's Civil Rights Act was interpreted too broadly and could discourage free expression. 检察总长办公室感到失望,但发誓将继续执行这项法案。 The attorney general's office was disappointed but vowed to continue enforcing the act.