新西兰第一位太平洋副首相卡梅尔·塞普罗尼(Carmel Cepuloni)向学生讲解克服教育挑战的问题。 New Zealand's first Pacific Deputy PM Carmel Sepuloni addresses students on overcoming educational challenges.
新西兰第一位太平洋副总理卡梅尔·塞普罗尼在奥克兰大学向毛利和太平洋学生讲了她克服冒牌综合症和教育挑战的旅程。 New Zealand's first Pacific Deputy Prime Minister, Carmel Sepuloni, spoke at the University of Auckland to Māori and Pacific students about her journey overcoming imposter syndrome and challenges in education. 曾任该大学教师和毕业生的Sepuloni强调了社区支持的重要性以及她对解决太平洋人民面临的教育不平等问题的热情。 Sepuloni, a former teacher and graduate of the university, emphasized the importance of community support and her passion for addressing educational inequities faced by Pacific people. 讨论还涉及她在名人宝藏岛的经验以及照料义务在太平洋文化中的作用。 The discussion also touched on her experience on Celebrity Treasure Island and the role of duty of care in Pacific cultures.