退休的太平洋学者 Melani Anae QSO 博士因影响一代太平洋人民反对种族主义而闻名,在奥克兰大学的 Fale Pasifika 举行了庆祝活动。 Retiring Pacific scholar Dr. Melani Anae QSO, known for influencing a generation of Pacific people to fight against racism, was celebrated at the University of Auckland's Fale Pasifika.
即将退休的太平洋学者 Melani Anae QSO 博士在结束 25 年的学术生涯后,在奥克兰大学 Fale Pasifika 举行了庆祝活动。 Retiring Pacific scholar Dr Melani Anae QSO was celebrated at the University of Auckland's Fale Pasifika after a 25-year academic career. Anae 博士因其对一代太平洋人民找到自己的代理机构并反对种族主义的影响而闻名,她还在波利尼西亚黑豹队中发挥了关键作用,抗议政府在 1970 年代初的种族主义政策。 Known for her influence on a generation of Pacific people to find their agency and fight against racism, Dr Anae also played a key role in the Polynesian Panthers, protesting against the government's racist policies in the early 1970s. 她一直是推动新一代太平洋学者的推动力,其中许多人现在在新西兰乃至全球发挥着重要作用。 She has been a driving force in promoting a new generation of Pacific academics, many of whom now hold prominent roles across Aotearoa New Zealand and globally.