Murdoch家庭因其媒体帝国的继任计划而面临冲突。 Murdoch family faces conflict over succession planning of their media empire.
管理Murdochs庞大媒体资产的Murdoch家庭信托会于2023年在Rupert Murdoch昏倒事件后面临家庭冲突。 The Murdoch Family Trust, managing the Murdochs' vast media assets, faced family conflict in 2023 after Rupert Murdoch's fainting incident. 他的女儿Elisabeth指责他将她和其他兄弟姐妹排除在继任规划之外。 His daughter Elisabeth accused him of excluding her and other siblings from succession planning. 2021年,内华达州一家法院驳回了鲁珀特试图给予他儿子Lachlan完全控制权的企图,以“恶意信仰”为由对默多克人作出不利裁决。 In 2021, a Nevada court rejected Rupert's attempt to give his son Lachlan full control, ruling against the Murdochs for "bad faith." 家庭继承戏剧凸显了在媒体帝国控制和继承问题上的内部分歧。 The family's succession drama highlights internal disagreements over control and inheritance of their media empire.