马里兰州共和党人以高能源成本为由,寻求联邦援助,以保持煤炭和石油工厂的开放。 Maryland Republicans seek federal aid to keep coal and oil plants open, citing high energy costs.
马里兰州共和党立法者敦促联邦帮助维持能源工厂的开放, Maryland Republican lawmakers are urging federal help to keep energy plants open, arguing it will ease rising energy costs. 他们反对关闭煤炭和石油工厂的环境,认为清洁能源替代方法尚不可行。 They oppose environmental closures of coal and oil plants, saying clean energy alternatives are not yet viable. 立法者建议从绿色倡议中取消资金,并废除《马里兰州EmpOwer法案》以降低账单,而环保主义者则主张向清洁能源过渡。 Lawmakers propose removing funds from green initiatives and repealing the EmPOWER Maryland Act to lower bills, while environmentalists push for transitioning to clean energy. 双方的目标是实现能源独立和负担得起的能源。 Both sides aim for energy independence and affordable energy.