马里兰州立法者提出降低电力成本、提高当地可再生能源生产的法案。 Maryland lawmakers propose bills to lower electricity costs and boost local renewable energy production.
马里兰州的立法者提出了旨在降低电费和促进州内能源生产的法案,重点是太阳能和风能等可再生能源。 Maryland lawmakers have introduced bills aimed at lowering electricity costs and promoting in-state energy production, focusing on renewable sources like solar and wind power. 这些建议包括建造新的发电厂,利用天然气作为更清洁的替代品,以及增加蓄电池储存。 The proposals include constructing new power plants, using natural gas as a cleaner alternative, and increasing battery storage. 这些法案旨在解决公用事业费用飞涨的问题,减少国家对州外能源的依赖,尽管它们不向消费者提供即时救济。 The bills aim to address soaring utility bills and reduce the state's reliance on out-of-state energy, though they do not offer immediate relief to consumers. 共和党人批评该计划没有提供快速解决方案, 认为它承认过去的政策失败。 Republicans criticize the plan for not providing quick solutions and argue it acknowledges past policy failures.