查尔斯三世国王和卡米拉王后 计划他们的第一次美国和加拿大之旅 预定2026年 King Charles III and Queen Camilla plan their first US and Canada tour, set for 2026, to boost diplomatic ties.
查尔斯三世国王和卡米拉王后计划在明年对美国和加拿大进行大巡视,这是君主制过渡以来的第一次巡视。 King Charles III and Queen Camilla are planning a major tour of the US and Canada next year, their first since the monarchy transition. 这次访问的目的是加强外交关系,特别是与前总统特朗普的外交关系,这次访问恰逢美国独立250周年。 The trip aims to enhance diplomatic ties, especially with former President Trump, and coincides with the US's 250th independence anniversary. 巡回演出可能涉及与特朗普会面,虽然查尔斯可以放心,特朗普没有将哈利王子驱逐出境,以避免家庭进一步紧张。 The tour could involve a meeting with Trump, though Charles may be relieved that Trump did not deport Prince Harry, to avoid further family tensions.