印度最高法院于7月13日审理质疑法律免除婚内强奸的请愿书。 India's Supreme Court to hear petitions challenging marital rape exemption in law on July 13.
印度最高法院于7月13日审理配偶强奸请愿书,质疑《印度刑法》第375条的例外规定,即男子与其妻子强迫性交免于强奸指控。 Supreme Court of India to hear marital rape petitions on July 13, challenging the exception in Section 375 of IPC that exempts forced sexual intercourse by a man with his wife from rape charges. 请愿者辩称,这一豁免条款对受到丈夫性攻击的已婚妇女具有歧视性。 Petitions argue this immunity clause is discriminatory against married women sexually assaulted by their husbands. 目前,联邦政府正与各州和利益攸关方协商,以社会影响为由,将婚内强奸定为刑事犯罪。 The Union government is currently consulting with states and stakeholders on making marital rape a criminal offense, citing social ramifications.