伊利诺伊州保姆被控偷窃数千件贵重物品 在线出售物品 Illinois babysitter charged with stealing thousands in valuables, selling items online.
伊利诺伊州一名保姆Darissa A. Chavarria因据称从森林湖和布卢夫湖的家庭盗取价值数千美元的贵重物品,包括珠宝和手提包,面临多重重罪盗窃指控。 An Illinois babysitter, Darissa A. Chavarria, faces multiple felony theft charges for allegedly stealing thousands of dollars' worth of valuables, including jewelry and handbags, from families in Lake Forest and Lake Bluff. 据报告,她在Facebook市场出售了这些物品。 She reportedly sold the items on Facebook Marketplace. 警方已追回一些被盗物品,并正在敦促雇佣她的家庭检查其物品,并报告任何盗窃行为。 Police have recovered some stolen goods and are urging families who hired her to check their belongings and report any thefts.