40岁的Jennifer Gullick因在洛杉矶的Denham Springs偷车而被捕。 40-year-old Jennifer Gullick arrested for stealing car with children inside in Denham Springs, LA.
40岁的Jennifer Gullick在洛杉矶Thibodaux被捕,因为从Denham Springs加油站停车场偷一辆有两名孩子的汽车。 40-year-old Jennifer Gullick in Thibodaux, LA, has been arrested for stealing a car with two children inside from a Denham Springs gas station parking lot. 孩子们的母亲Jameka Fields在她走进商店时,把车和孩子们一起留在屋里。 The children's mother, Jameka Fields, left her vehicle running with the kids inside while she went into a store. 通过商店监控发现了Gulllick 并被发现在附近行走。 Gullick was identified through store surveillance and found walking nearby. 儿童没有受到伤害,Gullick和Fields都面临指控:Gullick因盗窃和严重绑架而受害,Fields因儿童开小差而受害。 The children were unharmed, and both Gullick and Fields face charges: Gullick for theft and aggravated kidnapping, and Fields for child desertion.