Donald Trump Jr. 的事务所投资 在有争议的体育赛事上 允许提高性能的药物。 Donald Trump Jr.'s firm invests in controversial sports event allowing performance-enhancing drugs.
小唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump Jr.)的风险投资公司1789 Capital正在投资增强游戏(Enhanced Games),这是一项允许在田径、游泳和其他运动中使用增强表现的药物的体育赛事。 Donald Trump Jr.'s venture capital firm, 1789 Capital, is investing in Enhanced Games, a sports event allowing performance-enhancing drugs in track, swimming, and other sports. 尽管国际奥林匹克委员会和世界反兴奋剂机构反对, 创始人Aron D'Souza(Aron D'Souza)仍认为该项目是科学和人类的庆典。 Founder Aron D'Souza sees the project as a celebration of science and humanity, despite opposition from the International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Agency. 此次活动旨在打破世界纪录,向运动员支付奖金,为打破具体记录发放100万美元的奖金。 The event aims to break world records and will pay athletes, with a $1M bonus for breaking specific records. 它将于2026年在美国首映。 It is set to debut in the US in 2026.