被判犯有性骚扰罪的Nelson Thompson 4个月后因认罪协议而获释, Convicted molester Nelson Thompson released after 4 months due to plea deal, despite public petition.
Nelson Paul Thompson因猥亵其女儿和继女而被定罪,在服满10年刑期后仅4个月,将被从密苏里监狱释放。 Nelson Paul Thompson, convicted of molesting his daughter and stepdaughter, will be released from a Missouri prison after serving only four months of his 10-year sentence. 这是在包括120天康复方案在内的认罪协议之后进行的。 This follows a plea deal that included a 120-day rehabilitation program. 尽管有超过1,500个签名的请愿书敦促他留在监狱,但法官说,他必须遵守认罪协议的条款。 Despite a petition with over 1,500 signatures urging him to stay in prison, the judge said he had to adhere to the terms of the plea deal. Thompson获释后,将是一个已登记的性犯罪人,并被缓刑五年。 Upon release, Thompson will be a registered sex offender and on probation for five years. 他的受害者及其家人强烈反对释放他。 His victims and their families strongly oppose his release.