47岁的Philip Nelson被判犯有包括性攻击和虐待儿童在内的多项重罪,于10月24日被判处无期徒刑。 47-year-old Philip Nelson, convicted of multiple felonies including sexual assault and child abuse, received a life sentence on Oct. 24.
Philip Nelson, 47岁,于10月24日被判犯有多项重罪,包括性攻击、虐待儿童、持有危险武器以及14项与未成年人淫乱罪,被判终身监禁。 Philip Nelson, 47, was sentenced to life in prison on October 24 after being convicted of multiple felonies, including sexual assault, child abuse, possession of a dangerous weapon, and 14 counts of lewdness with a minor. 9月22日,在7月进行了为期一周的陪审团审判之后,矿产县治安官办公室将他逮捕。 His arrest by the Mineral County Sheriff's Office occurred on September 22, following a weeklong jury trial in July. Bill Ferguson警长强调了举报社区涉嫌虐待的重要性。 Sheriff Bill Ferguson highlighted the importance of reporting suspected abuse in the community.