Accenture CEO CEO Julie Sweet 诊断乳腺癌 计划手术 而公司结束DEI的目标 Accenture CEO Julie Sweet diagnoses breast cancer, plans surgery, while company ends DEI goals.
Accenture CEO Julie Sweet被诊断患有早期乳腺癌,计划下周接受手术。 Accenture CEO Julie Sweet has been diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and plans to undergo surgery next week. 尽管进行了诊断,Sweet仍打算在12-16周治疗期间继续承担日常工作职责。 Despite the diagnosis, Sweet intends to continue her daily work responsibilities during her 12-16 week treatment period. 公司董事会支持她,全球管理委员会将确保持续开展业务。 The company's board supports her, and the Global Management Committee will ensure ongoing operations. 此外,Accenture结束了其多样性、公平和包容(DEI)目标,指出此类政策将不再影响雇员业绩评估。 Separately, Accenture has ended its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals, stating that such policies will no longer impact employee performance assessments.