芝加哥市长布兰登·约翰逊成立了赔偿工作组,以解决黑人在住房、教育、工作和刑事司法方面的历史不公正问题。 Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson establishes a Reparations Task Force to address historical injustices against Black people in housing, education, jobs, and criminal justice.
芝加哥市长布兰登·约翰逊成立了赔偿专项小组,以解决美国黑人历史上遭受的不公正待遇。 Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson establishes a Reparations Task Force to address historical injustices against Black people in the US. 该工作组将制定赔偿的定义和框架,并改善住房、教育、就业和刑事司法方面的情况。 The task force, which will develop a definition and framework for reparations, will deliver improvements in housing, education, jobs, and criminal justice. 它还将对损害芝加哥非裔美国人的政策进行研究,包括红线和限制性契约。 It will also conduct a study on policies harming African Americans in Chicago, including redlining and restrictive covenants.