加州立法黑人核心小组在州内巡回推介 14 项赔偿法案,截止日期为 8 月 31 日。 California's Legislative Black Caucus promotes 14 reparations bills on a statewide tour, with a deadline of August 31st.
加州立法黑人核心小组正在全州巡回推行 14 项赔偿法案,立法会议的截止日期为 8 月 31 日。 California's Legislative Black Caucus is promoting 14 reparations bills on a statewide tour, with the deadline for the legislative session ending August 31st. 该活动在圣地亚哥启动,包括立法者的演讲和一份 1,000 页的报告,概述了赔偿的理由并提出了 100 多条建议。 Kicking off in San Diego, the campaign includes presentations from legislators and a 1,000-page report outlining reasons for reparations and offering over 100 recommendations. 目的是鼓励社区成员在法案到达州长办公桌之前阅读并理解该报告。 The goal is to encourage community members to read and understand the report before the bills reach the governor's desk.