一名宾汉姆顿消防员死亡,两名受伤,他们与迅速蔓延的主要街道火力作战。 A Binghamton firefighter died and two were injured battling a swift-spreading Main Street fire.
一名Binghamton消防员死亡,另有两人受伤, A Binghamton firefighter died and two others were injured fighting a fast-moving fire that spread to a neighboring building on Main Street Wednesday night. 火灾引发了“即时”呼叫,受伤的消防员在威尔逊医院处于稳定状态。 The fire prompted a "mayday" call, and the injured firefighters are in stable condition at Wilson Hospital. 市长Jared Kraham表示哀悼,赞扬消防员的勇敢。 Mayor Jared Kraham expressed condolences, praising the firefighter's bravery. 在当地警察和州消防调查员的帮助下,目前正在进行调查。 An investigation is ongoing with help from local police and state fire investigators.