澳大利亚经历了历史悠久的退伍军人改革,精简了报酬和扩大福利。 Australia passes historic veterans' reform, streamlining compensation and expanding benefits.
澳大利亚对其退伍军人支助系统进行了历史性改革,将三项法律合并为一项法律,以简化获得补偿和福利的途径。 Australia has passed a historic reform to its veterans' support system, combining three laws into one to simplify access to compensation and benefits. 《VETS法》定于2026年7月生效,其目的是简化索赔处理,扩大领取金卡的资格,包括所有治疗。 The VETS Act, set to take effect in July 2026, aims to streamline claims processing and expand eligibility for a Gold Card, which covers all medical treatments. 任何退伍军人的付款都不会减少,预计今后五年的改革将使补偿和康复付款增加65亿美元。 No veteran will see a reduction in payments, and the reforms are expected to increase compensation and rehabilitation payments by $6.5 billion over the next five years.