新西兰退伍军人事务部部长克里斯·彭克 (Chris Penk) 宣布,由于索赔积压,将减少 VIP 家政服务计划,这对老年退伍军人造成了影响。 New Zealand's Veterans' Affairs Minister Chris Penk announces reductions in the VIP home-help scheme due to claim backlog, affecting elderly veterans.
新西兰退伍军人事务部长克里斯·彭克宣布,由于索赔积压,老年退伍军人受到影响,因此减少了 VIP 家政服务计划。 New Zealand's Veterans' Affairs Minister Chris Penk announces reductions in the VIP home-help scheme due to a backlog of claims, affecting elderly veterans. 该计划最初受到赞扬,但现在因成本高昂和长达一年的等待时间而面临批评。 The scheme, initially praised, now faces criticism for high costs and wait times of up to a year. 退伍军人事务部将更多地关注处理基本索赔。 Veterans' Affairs will focus more on processing essential claims. RNZRSA 对此表示失望,并表示愿意协助政府提供服务。 The RNZRSA, expressing disappointment, offers to assist the government in service delivery.