Glasgow大学学生封锁建筑,抗议从军火公司撤资和抵制以色列。 University of Glasgow students block building, protest for divestment from arms companies and boycott of Israel.
来自格拉斯哥大学的学生正在抗议,呼吁该大学撤出军火公司并抵制以色列。 Students from the University of Glasgow are protesting, calling for the university to divest from arms companies and to boycott Israel. 抗议活动包括封锁Rankine工程大楼的入口。 The protest involves blocking entrances to the Rankine Engineering Building. 尽管70%的工作人员和学生支持撤资,但该大学保持了投资,在军火公司的投资总额超过680万英镑。 Despite 70% of staff and students supporting divestment, the university has maintained its investments, totaling over £6.8 million in arms companies. 该大学支持言论自由,但不容忍干扰活动。 The university supports freedom of expression but does not tolerate disruptive activities.