青少年承认大砍刀攻击和其他罪行;由于社区面临的风险而拒绝保释。 Teen admits to machete attack and other crimes; denied bail due to risk to community.
在维多利亚州,一名15岁男孩承认在抢劫和包括袭击和偷车在内的其他犯罪期间用砍刀袭击了一名男子。 A 15-year-old boy in Victoria admitted to attacking a man with a machete during a mugging and other crimes, including assault and car theft. 尽管他的律师因自闭症、ADHD和低智商而要求释放他,但一名儿童法院法官以他给社区带来的风险为由拒绝保释。 Despite his lawyer arguing for his release due to autism, ADHD, and a low IQ, a children's court magistrate denied bail, citing the risk he poses to the community. 青少年的危险行为史影响了地方法官 将他拘留的决定。 The teen's history of dangerous behavior influenced the magistrate's decision to keep him in custody.