13岁的男孩被捕,被错误地释放,面临抢劫未遂指控。 13-year-old boy arrested, mistakenly released, faces attempted robbery charges.
9月27日,一名13岁男孩在西雅图被捕,因为他企图在刀口抢劫一名12岁男孩的自行车。 A 13-year-old boy was arrested in Seattle on September 27 for attempting to rob a 12-year-old at knifepoint for his bike. 他被安排在少年拘留所,但第二天被错误地释放。 He was booked into juvenile detention but mistakenly released the next day. 没有法院的逮捕令,警察不能重新逮捕他。 Police could not re-arrest him without a court warrant. 该男孩自愿出庭,并获得后续条件,包括与受害人没有接触。 The boy voluntarily appeared in court and received conditions to follow, including no contact with the victim. 随着调查的继续,他可能面临一级未遂抢劫指控。 He may face first-degree attempted robbery charges as the investigation continues.