在尼日利亚大学录制录像的一排学生攻击讲师。 Student attacks lecturer during row over video recording at Nigerian university.
尼日利亚Nnandi Azikiwe大学一名女学生在走廊的录像发生争执时, 殴打一名讲师, A female student at Nnamdi Azikiwe University in Nigeria bit and assaulted a lecturer during a dispute over her video recording in a corridor. 这起事件在社交媒体上引起轰动, 导致大学展开全面调查, 强调要致力于纪律与礼仪。 The incident, which has gone viral on social media, led the university to launch a full investigation, emphasizing a commitment to discipline and decorum. 所涉学生是历史和国际研究三年级主修生,大学计划根据调查结果采取适当行动。 The student involved is a third-year History and International Studies major, and the university plans to take appropriate action based on the investigation's findings.