尼日利亚大学学生因在拍摄TikTok视频时攻击讲师而被开除出校。 Student expelled from Nigerian university for assaulting lecturer while recording TikTok video.
尼日利亚Nnandi Azikiwe大学的一位学生在事件被录像拍摄后因攻击一名讲师而被开除。 A student at Nnamdi Azikiwe University in Nigeria was expelled for assaulting a lecturer after the incident was captured on video. 学生Chimamaka Precious Goddy-Mbakwe攻击讲师, 因为打断她的TikTok录像。 The student, Chimamaka Precious Goddy-Mbakwe, attacked the lecturer for interrupting her TikTok video recording. 大学纪律委员会认定她犯有严重渎职罪,导致她被立即驱逐出境,并要求搬出校舍。 The university's disciplinary committee found her guilty of gross misconduct, leading to her immediate expulsion and the demand to vacate the premises.