警官在Salina对峙期间开枪逮捕Manuel Johnson-Ponce;儿童获救没有受伤。 Officer shoots and arrests Manuel Johnson-Ponce during Salina standoff; child rescued unharmed.
Manuel Johnson-Ponce, 29岁,在2月4日Salina的对峙后被堪萨斯调查局逮捕,在一次国内武装骚乱中被一名官员开枪打死。 Manuel Johnson-Ponce, 29, was arrested by the Kansas Bureau of Investigation after a February 4th standoff in Salina, where he was shot by an officer during an armed domestic disturbance. Johnson-Ponce与一名3岁儿童关押在一起,面临多项指控,包括严重殴打一名执法官员和家庭暴力。 Johnson-Ponce, who was held with a three-year-old child, faces multiple charges including aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer and domestic battery. 儿童获救后未受伤害,KBI正在调查与警察有关的枪击事件。 The child was rescued unharmed, and the KBI is investigating the officer-involved shooting.