Derek Johnson Sr被指控犯有15项罪行,包括在马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德向一辆警车开枪。 Derek Johnson Sr. is charged with 15 offenses, including shooting at a police car in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Derek Johnson Sr.,48岁,在马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德发生一起事件后,面临15项指控,包括武装攻击和持枪。 1月23日,一辆便衣警车遭到枪击。 Derek Johnson Sr., 48, faces 15 charges including armed assault and gun possession after an incident in Springfield, Massachusetts, where an undercover police car was shot at on January 23. Johnson最初于1月30日因六起重罪指控被捕,现被关押在Hampden县教养中心。 Johnson was initially arrested on six felony charges on January 30 and is held at Hampden County Correctional Center. 这一事件导致进行了两小时的搜查,查获了100多克毒品,另有几人被捕并受到指控。 The incident led to a two-hour search, during which over 100 grams of drugs were seized, and several others were also arrested and charged.