西凯洛纳附近的97号公路多次撞车,造成道路关闭和延误。 Multiple crashes on Highway 97 near West Kelowna caused road closures and delays.
周二下午,西基洛纳的 97 号高速公路上发生了多起车祸,两辆车最终掉进了沟里。 Multiple crashes occurred on Highway 97 in West Kelowna on Tuesday afternoon, with two vehicles ending up in a ditch. 紧急服务已发送,交通由皇家骑警控制。 Emergency services were dispatched, and traffic was controlled by the RCMP. Hudson Road也正在处理因重大水面断裂造成的道路关闭问题,造成进一步的延误。 Hudson Road is also dealing with road closures due to a significant watermain break, causing further delays. 车祸发生在前面水管断裂的地方附近,造成冰冷条件。 The crashes happened near where a water main broke earlier, creating icy conditions.