Leger民调显示,Mark Carney如果赢得了自由党的领导权,他可以将自由党与保守党绑在37%的距离上。 Leger poll indicates Mark Carney could tie Liberals with Conservatives at 37% if he wins Liberal leadership.
最近的Leger民意测验显示,如果Mark Carney赢得自由党领导人的竞选,他就能弥合自由党和保守党之间的差距,各占37%的支持率。 A recent Leger poll suggests that if Mark Carney wins the Liberal leadership race, he could close the gap between the Liberals and Conservatives, tying at 37% support each. 目前,自由党占31%,保守党占40%,而新民主党占14%。 Currently, the Liberals stand at 31%, while the Conservatives lead at 40%, and the New Democrats trail at 14%. 民调显示自1月26日以来自由党的支持增加了六点, 与美国总统特朗普(Trump)的关税威胁相吻合。 The poll shows a six-point increase in Liberal support since January 26th, coinciding with U.S. President Trump's tariff threats. 2月7日至10日对超过1 500名成人进行了调查,但没有提供误差幅度。 Over 1,500 adults were surveyed between February 7th and 10th, but no margin of error was provided.