加拿大保守党以40%的支持率领先投票,而自由党的支持率下降到25%。 Canada's Conservative Party leads in polls with 40% support, while the Liberal Party's support drops to 25%.
对加拿大保守党的支持正在增加,该党在投票中领先,占决定选民的40%,在艾伯塔省、安大略省、不列颠哥伦比亚省和大西洋加拿大,支持率上升。 Support for Canada's Conservative Party is increasing, with the party leading in polls with 40% of decided voters, and support rising in Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia, and Atlantic Canada. 自由党的支持率下降到25%。 The Liberal Party's support has dropped to 25%. 随着对保守党的支持增加,对领袖Pierre Piolievre的积极看法也有所增加,他现在在全国获得52%的认可评级。 The increase in support for the Conservatives is accompanied by an increase in positive perceptions of leader Pierre Poilievre, who now has a 52% nationwide approval rating. 加拿大人对目前自由党和国民民主党的表现不满意,54%的人表示不满。 Canadians are dissatisfied with the current Liberal and NDP performance, with 54% expressing dissatisfaction. 除魁北克省外,所有年龄组的保守派都排在前面。 The Conservatives are ahead across all age groups, both genders, and in every province except Quebec.