前LAUSD主任起诉该区,声称削减艺术课程违反了州法。 Former LAUSD chief sued the district, claiming cuts to arts programs violate state law.
前LAUSD总监Austin Beutner因减少学校的艺术和音乐节目,对洛杉矶统一学校区提起诉讼。 Former LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner has filed a lawsuit against the Los Angeles Unified School District over the reduction of art and music programs in schools. Beutner认为削减违反了州法, 并敦促该区恢复这些计划, 称之为“错误”, Beutner argues that the cuts violate state law and urges the district to restore these programs, calling it a "mistake" that needs to be fixed. 诉讼旨在恢复对LAUSD学校艺术教育的资助和支持。 The lawsuit aims to reinstate funding and support for arts education in LAUSD schools.