日本向菲律宾捐赠了4.44亿日元,用于一所大学的5G开放RAN系统项目。 Japan donates 444 million yen to the Philippines for a 5G Open RAN system project at a university.
日本向菲律宾提供了4.44亿日元,用于在菲律宾大学建立开放式无线电接入网络系统。 Japan has granted the Philippines 444 million yen to build an Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) system at the University of the Philippines. 该项目旨在推进5G技术,降低互联网成本,并促进电信市场的竞争。 This project aims to advance 5G technology, reduce internet costs, and promote competition in the telecommunications market. 该倡议与2024年日本-美国-菲律宾领导人会议期间作出的承诺一致,重点是加强信息和通信技术基础设施。 The initiative aligns with commitments made during the Japan-US-Philippines Leaders' Meeting in 2024, focusing on enhancing information and communications technology infrastructure.