美国联邦通信委员会计划通过反向拍卖投资90亿美元用于农村地区的5G部署. The FCC plans to invest $9bn for 5G deployment in rural areas through a reverse auction.
联邦通信委员会计划在农村地区投资90亿美元用于5G部署, 并通过反向拍卖将资金用于服务不足地区的语音和移动宽带服务. The FCC plans to invest $9bn for 5G deployment in rural areas, with a reverse auction to award funds for voice and mobile broadband services in underserved regions. 订正的国家宽带地图将使用公平竞争委员会移动速度测试应用程序的数据,指导这一进程。 The revised National Broadband Map, using data from FCC's Mobile Speed Test app, will guide the process. 将拨出近1美元,用于鼓励将ORAN技术用于5G部署,并列举竞争、国家安全和供应链可靠性方面的好处。 Almost $1bn will be allocated to encourage use of ORAN technology for 5G deployment, citing benefits for competition, national security, and supply chain reliability. 该倡议旨在弥合城市和农村地区之间的数字鸿沟。 The initiative aims to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural areas.