诺基亚获得45M美元美国赠款,用于开发开放式无线技术,这是更大的1.5B计划的一部分。 Nokia gets $45M U.S. grant to develop open wireless tech, part of a larger $1.5B program.
诺基亚获得美国政府4 500万美元的赠款,用于促进开放无线网络技术的研究与开发。 Nokia received a $45 million grant from the U.S. government to boost its research and development in open wireless network technologies. 这笔资金是15亿美元、10年方案的一部分。 This funding is part of a $1.5 billion, ten-year program. 诺基亚计划利用这笔钱加强其在伊利诺伊州和得克萨斯州开放无线电接入网络的能力,支持美国电信业向更加灵活和安全的无线网络发展。 Nokia plans to use the money to strengthen its capabilities in Open Radio Access Networks (Open RAN) in Illinois and Texas, supporting the evolution towards more flexible and secure wireless networks in the U.S. telecommunications industry.