伊朗和阿曼官员聚集一堂,加强军事联系,重点是区域团结反对以色列。 Iranian and Omani officials met to boost military ties, focusing on regional unity against Israel.
伊朗和阿曼军事官员在德黑兰会晤,讨论扩大军事合作,包括海事演习和教育。 Iranian and Omani military officials met in Tehran to discuss expanding military cooperation, including maritime drills and education. 伊朗参谋长穆罕默德·巴凯里(Mohammad Baqeri)强调地区团结反对以色列的必要性, 谴责美国-以色列迁离加沙的计划。 Iran's Chief of Staff, Mohammad Baqeri, emphasized the need for regional unity against Israel, condemning U.S.-Israeli plans to relocate Gazans. 双方强调了历史联系和相互信任,目的是促进该区域的稳定。 Both sides highlighted historical ties and mutual trust, aiming to foster stability in the region.