伊朗暂停与美国就核计划进行间接会谈, Iran suspends indirect talks with US on nuclear program due to heightened Middle East tensions.
伊朗以中东紧张局势加剧为由,中止了与阿曼调解的美国的间接会谈。 Iran has suspended indirect talks with the U.S. mediated by Oman, citing heightened tensions in the Middle East. 阿巴斯·阿拉奇外长将这一停止归咎于伊朗对以色列发动导弹袭击后的持续危机。 Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi attributed this halt to the ongoing crisis following Iran's missile attacks on Israel. 先前的讨论旨在处理伊朗的核计划。 Discussions had previously aimed at addressing Iran's nuclear program. 与此同时,阿拉奇会见了胡塞官员,强调伊朗准备冲突,但表示希望在区域敌对行动不断升级的情况下实现和平。 Meanwhile, Araghchi met with Houthi officials and emphasized Iran's readiness for conflict, yet expressed a desire for peace amid escalating regional hostilities.