印度最高法院封锁了女演员Indrani Mukerjea因女儿被谋杀受审时的旅行。 India's Supreme Court blocks actress Indrani Mukerjea's travel while on trial for her daughter's murder.
印度最高法院驳回了Indrani Mukerjea的出国请求, The Supreme Court in India has rejected Indrani Mukerjea's plea to travel abroad while she is on trial for the murder of her daughter, Sheena Bora. 法庭还下令在一年内完成审判。 The court also ordered the trial to be completed within a year. CBI反对旅行请求,称案件敏感,进展中途,已盘问了96名证人。 The CBI opposed the travel request, citing the sensitivity of the case and its halfway progress, with 96 witnesses already examined. Mukerjea的律师认为,仍有92名证人需要接受讯问,但法院驳回了她的上诉,推翻了先前特别法庭允许她前往西班牙和联合王国的许可。 Mukerjea’s lawyers argued that 92 witnesses still need to be examined, but the court dismissed her appeal, overturning a previous special court's permission for her to travel to Spain and the UK.