孟买高等法院将 Indrani Mukerjea 的旅行许可延期两周。 Bombay High Court extends stay on Indrani Mukerjea's travel permission for 2 weeks.
孟买高等法院将中央调查局 (CBI) 法庭的命令延长两周,该命令允许被控杀害其女儿 Sheena Bora 的 Indrani Mukerjea 出国旅行。 Bombay High Court extends by two weeks the stay on Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court's order that allowed Indrani Mukerjea, accused of killing her daughter Sheena Bora, to travel abroad. 英国中央调查局对特别法庭 7 月 19 日的命令提出质疑,该命令允许 Mukerjea 在未来三个月内两次听证会之间在某些条件下前往英国和西班牙旅行 10 天。 The CBI had challenged the special court's July 19 order that permitted Mukerjea to travel to the UK and Spain on certain conditions for 10 days between two dates of hearing within the next three months. 穆克吉亚于 2015 年 8 月被捕,目前已获保释。 Mukerjea, currently on bail, was arrested in August 2015.