康涅狄格州大学校长为滥用公共资金道歉 要求辞职 Connecticut college chancellor apologizes for misusing public funds amid calls for resignation.
康涅狄格州立学院和大学校长Terrence Cheng为过度支出道歉,包括用公共资金购买昂贵的膳食、酒精和豪华轿车。 Connecticut State Colleges and Universities Chancellor Terrence Cheng has apologized for his excessive spending, which included purchasing expensive meals, alcohol, and limousine rides with public funds. 这次道歉是在教职员工“不信任”投票以及两次州调查之后作出的。 This apology followed a "no confidence" vote by faculty and staff and two state investigations. 共和党人要求他辞职, Cheng承诺改善财务监督和透明度。 Republicans are calling for his resignation, while Cheng promises to improve financial oversight and transparency. 拉蒙特州长没有要求辞职. Governor Lamont has not called for Cheng to step down.