加州州立大学面临8%的预算削减, 威胁教师、课程和大专。 California's State University faces an 8% budget cut, threatening faculty, programs, and majors.
加利福尼亚州立大学面临Newsom州长提出的3.75亿美元的预算削减,相当于州资金减少8%。 California State University (CSU) faces an $375 million budget cut proposed by Governor Newsom, equivalent to an 8% reduction in state funding. 这可能导致师生裁员、取消主要课程以及由于成本上升和COVID-19后入学率下降而减少学术方案。 This could lead to faculty layoffs, cancellation of majors, and reduced academic programs due to rising costs and lower enrollment post-COVID-19. 参议员约翰·莱尔德(John Laird)认为削减是“不可承受的”, Senator John Laird calls the cuts "untenable," highlighting the challenges for the system's financial stability and educational quality.