全球首个符合CDI2的超精确钞票认证软件。 Boulder Imaging unveils world's first CDI2-compliant software for ultra-accurate banknote authentication.
博尔德图像公司与Authentix Gem Vision传感器合作,推出了世界上第一个符合CDI2的银行票据认证软件。 Boulder Imaging has launched the world's first CDI2-compliant software for banknote authentication, in partnership with Authentix GemVision sensors. 该软件是为达到美国联邦储备银行和欧洲中央银行规定的标准而开发的,其精确度超过99.99%,每秒评估40张钞票质量。 Developed to meet standards set by the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, the software assesses banknote quality at 40 notes per second with over 99.99% accuracy. 这一进展的目的是实现银行票据检查标准化,减少浪费,降低环境影响,使中央银行货币管理发生革命。 This advancement aims to standardize banknote inspection, reduce waste, and lower environmental impact, revolutionizing currency management for central banks.