2名男子在新西兰Waikato被捕,与假钞有关;零售商敦促改进侦查工作。 2 men arrested in Waikato, NZ linked to counterfeit banknotes; retailers urged to improve detection.
新西兰Waikato的警察逮捕了与假钞有关的两名男子。 Police in Waikato, New Zealand, have arrested two men linked to counterfeit banknotes. 一名 33 岁的男子于 9 月 9 日被发现使用假钞,而一名 38 岁的男子在入室盗窃中因伪造钞票被捕。 A 33-year-old was caught using fake notes on September 9, while a 38-year-old was arrested with a counterfeit note during a burglary. 敦促零售商提高他们对钞票安全的认识, 使用“外观、感觉和倾斜”方法检测假币。 Retailers are urged to enhance their understanding of banknote security, using a "look, feel, and tilt" method to detect fakes. 不应接受任何可疑的票据,并报告给当局。 Any suspicious notes should not be accepted and reported to authorities.