亚利桑那州在两年多的时间里 首次处决了Aaron Gunnches, Aaron Gunnches。 Aaron Gunnches 对2002年的一起谋杀案认罪。 Arizona sets first execution in over two years for Aaron Gunches, who pleaded guilty to a 2002 murder.
亚利桑那州最高法院将Aaron Brian Gunnches的处决日期定为3月19日。 Aaron Brian Gunches对2002年谋杀Ted Price一事认罪。 The Arizona Supreme Court has set an execution date of March 19 for Aaron Brian Gunches, who pleaded guilty to murdering Ted Price in 2002. 这是亚利桑那州两年多来第一次被处死, 经过八年的停顿, 因为有人批评死刑执行不力以及难以获得注射致命药物。 This will be Arizona's first execution in over two years, following an eight-year hiatus due to criticism over a botched execution and difficulties obtaining lethal injection drugs. 2007 年被定罪的 Gunches 此前曾要求提前执行死刑,称他的判决“早就应该了”。 Gunches, convicted in 2007, had previously requested an earlier execution date, stating his sentence was "long overdue."