德克萨斯州囚犯理查德·李·泰勒 (Richard Lee Tabler) 被判犯有谋杀罪,尽管存在精神能力问题,但仍面临处决。 Texas inmate Richard Lee Tabler, convicted of murder, faces execution despite mental competence questions.
德克萨斯州囚犯理查德·李·泰勒 (Richard Lee Tabler) 在 2004 年被判谋杀脱衣舞俱乐部经理穆罕默德-阿明·拉赫穆尼 (Mohammed-Amine Rahmouni) 和他的朋友海瑟姆·扎耶德 (Haitham Zayed) 后将被处决。 Richard Lee Tabler, a Texas inmate, is set for execution after being convicted of murdering strip club manager Mohammed-Amine Rahmouni and his friend Haitham Zayed in 2004. 施切尔还供认杀害了在俱乐部工作的两名少女,但从未因这些罪行受到审判。 Tabler also confessed to killing two teenage girls who worked at the club but was never tried for those crimes. 2008年,他偷运了一部手机威胁州参议员,导致全州监狱被封锁。 In 2008, he smuggled a cellphone to threaten a state senator, leading to a statewide prison lockdown. 尽管上诉质疑他的心智能力,但对 Tabler 的处决仍按计划进行。 Despite appeals questioning his mental competence, Tabler's execution is scheduled to proceed.