特朗普关于减少 FEMA 在灾害管理中的作用的提议引发了人们对各州应对措施不足的担忧。 Trump's proposal to reduce FEMA's role in disaster management sparks fears of inadequate state responses.
特朗普总统建议各州应独立处理灾害,这引起了人们的担忧。 President Trump's suggestion that states should handle disasters independently has raised concerns. 自 1979 年成立以来,FEMA 一直在灾难响应中提供重要支持,提供经济援助、后勤支持和恢复援助。 FEMA, since its creation in 1979, has provided crucial support in disaster responses, offering financial aid, logistical support, and recovery assistance. 州和地方应急管理人员认为,取消 FEMA 将使各州,尤其是规模较小和较不富裕的州,无法有效管理频繁的灾害。 State and local emergency managers argue that eliminating FEMA would leave states, especially smaller and less wealthy ones, unable to manage frequent disasters effectively. 在过去四年中,FEMA 已向个人提供了超过 120 亿美元,向政府和非营利组织提供了 1330 亿美元,在灾难恢复中发挥了至关重要的作用。 FEMA has provided over $12 billion to individuals and $133 billion to governments and nonprofits in the last four years, playing a vital role in disaster recovery. 批评者担心特朗普提议的改革可能会削弱 FEMA 的能力。 Critics fear that Trump's proposed changes could cripple FEMA's capabilities.