三名男子被判在曼哈顿同性恋酒吧吸毒、抢劫和杀害赞助者。 Three men were found guilty of drugging, robbing, and killing patrons at Manhattan gay bars.
三名男子在曼哈顿同性恋酒吧被判定犯有吸毒和抢劫罪,导致两名受害者死亡。 Three men were found guilty of drugging and robbing individuals at Manhattan gay bars, leading to the deaths of two victims. Jayqwan Hamilton、Robert Demaio和Jacob Barroso用芬太尼和可卡因等药物毒害受害人, Jayqwan Hamilton, Robert Demaio, and Jacob Barroso drugged their victims with substances like fentanyl and cocaine, stole their phones and bank funds, and went on shopping sprees. 另外两名被告已经认罪,并被判处八年徒刑。 Two other defendants had already pleaded guilty and received eight-year sentences. 判决旨在为受害者家属提供安慰。 The verdict aims to provide comfort to the victims' families.