黑猩猩在交流中使用类似人类的谈话手势和轮流说话方式。 Chimpanzees use human-like conversational gestures and turn-taking in communication.
圣安德鲁斯大学的研究人员发现,黑猩猩相互交流时采用的对话风格与人类相似,采用快速手势和轮流发言,手势和反应之间有短暂的停顿。 Researchers at the University of St Andrews have discovered that chimpanzees communicate with each other using a conversational style similar to humans, utilizing rapid-fire gestures and turn-taking with short pauses between gestures and responses. 研究结果表明,人类语言的一些基本规则可能源于与黑猩猩以及其他动物共同的祖先,尽管这种交流方式的功能对于黑猩猩和人类来说可能有所不同。 The findings suggest that some underlying rules of human language may have roots in a shared ancestral past with chimpanzees and possibly other animals, although the function of this style of communication may differ for chimpanzees compared to humans.