六名田纳西州军官因不当行为、袭击和篡改逮捕谋杀嫌犯而被起诉。 Six Tennessee officers indicted for misconduct, assault, and tampering in arrest of murder suspect.
六名西田纳西州执法人员因在逮捕杰克逊·霍伯(Jackson Hopper)中扮演的角色被起诉,被控杀害其前女友。 Six West Tennessee law enforcement officers have been indicted for their roles in the arrest of Jackson Hopper, accused of killing his ex-girlfriend. 指控包括官方不当行为、压迫、袭击和篡改证据。 Charges include official misconduct, oppression, assault, and evidence tampering. 田纳西州调查局在逮捕录像后,对过度使用武力的指控浮出水面后,启动了这次调查。 The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation launched the probe after allegations of excessive force surfaced following video footage of the arrest. 这些警官每人以25 000美元的保证金获释。 The officers were released on $25,000 bond each.